Saturday, January 24, 2015

2014 Summary

Not a bad year overall.  Started the year with a pretty serious low back issue that started 12/13' clearing trail for the Frozen Toe, then reinjured, falling on ice near Mt. Mitchell, and again in early March.  This kept me from racing until April, which I think was a good thing. 
I fully committed to the Maffetone method of training in June and have been trying to follow it to a T ever since (more about this later).  Other than two races after June, I have run at HR or below 95% of the time.  It wasn't until a recent race up Sharp Top at the end of a 18 mile day that I got to test things out.  I was happy with the result.

2014 Summary
2317 miles of running - the most miles in a year for me.
420 miles biking - very low
238 most miles in a month - November
4 months running 200+ miles
287,000 feet of climbing while running.

Promise Land 50k - 5:31.53
Highland Sky 40m - 7:32.01
Smokey Mtn Traverse - 80 miles in two days
Tahoe Rim 50m - 9:57.16 - 9th place
Iron Mtn 30m - 4:45.56 - 2nd place

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