Monday, December 12, 2011

Training the Week of 10/3/11

Well, after hurting my leg and then deciding to drop down to the Half Marathon at Richmond I lost my focus on the blog updates.  Well here is two months to get caught back up.  For the pic I posted of my leg see -
10/4/11 - As a very poor choice I decided to test my leg with my usual 6 mile loop.  Bad idea.  You have to know when you are injured and it is not wise to run.  My leg was very swollen with a localized hematoma on the outer side of my left leg. 
10/5/11 - Running is out - road biked 20 miles.
10/8/11 - Road biked 25 miles. 
10/9/11 - Road biked 37 miles - Home to parkway, to 460, then back to Mountain View in vinton, and back.
Cycling doesn't really effect my leg as it is non weight bearing and helps move some of the stagnant blood and swelling.  But anything weight bearing is a killer and makes my leg feel like it is going to explode.

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